Nightmare Before Christmas Sally Action Figure by NECA - ID: 634482322727

Nightmare Before Christmas Sally Action Figure by NECA - ID: 634482322727 Disneyana



Art Type:



Image Size: 
2.25"x1.5"x6.75" figurine , 2.5"x2" gravestone, 3.5"x1" purse
Price: $24.00
SKU: 634482322727

An action figure of Sally from "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas." The figurine was released in an unnumbered limited edition of 15000 by NECA and comes with a gravestone and purse accessory. The 2.25"x1.5" and 6.75" figurine is in fine condition sealed within the original 7.75"x1.5"x11" packaging.

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